WW2 Japanese pilots

This is a little outside of my wheelhouse, but my friend Todd asked if I would paint two figures from a Japanese WW2 plane model he had, and I was glad to help. They are definitely a larger scale than what I am used to, but that isn’t really a problem to go larger (versus smaller).

Aside from these two guys, most of my hobbycraft has been spent making notebooks (which I should do a post about soon), participating in a D&D 5E game where we are making our way through the Sunless Citadel, and doing some ground work on my own RPG campaign, to be run in the indeterminate future.

I also lost a few weeks in there with various in-laws staying with us and sleeping in our craft room. In those blocks of time I have been doing some light reading, watching TV, etc. Nothing particularly special except getting through X-Men ’97 which only whetted my own appetite for supers RPG’s.

Two more miniatures on the books. I do want to get back into the swing of things–with baseball season going on there’s plenty of time to watch/listen to games in the evening and get some stuff done.

Thanks for reading!

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